Yeaah!!! I finally got enrolled into KYUEM, the verdant upland...
barren is more like....
yeah2, i knooww, muneer was like super duper excited to be here... but....as usual.... he always overrated everything....
why barren you might asked? there's NOTHING here. NOTHING!!! i overheard a senior shouted once "maksud KYUEM ialah Kolej Yayasan Ulu Entah Mana" =_='', you cant be more right, brother.
anyway, it's my choice. i SPECIFICALLY asked MARA to send me here, so i have to live with what i get ^_^.
I will present it from various viewpoints:
from the most basic

P-26, in the village of SAPPHIRE!!
err, cant find my room picture in my camera, maybe i shot it in my chalet-mate's camera.
P-26 houses :
1. Safuan (room A)
2. Muneer (room B)
3. Alif Fitri (room C)
4. Azim (room D)
so far, everything is in a mess, shoes are everywhere, thrashes too... takpe ye kawan2, nnt kite organise
there's 4 room, 1 bathroom with 2 shower/toilet(thank goodness the sitting kind), 1 common room that has air-conditioning and a Pentium 4 computer. waterflow here is really slow, but the showerhead is alright. the toilet's tank refill slowly too, so i usually have to "tadah" air in a bucket in order to flush. nothing that i cant handle. taiping bukan salu ade air.
but since the waterflow is slow, it's hard to do my laundry. there even no clothesline to dry off my laundry. so i dont know how air-conditioning is much more essential than clotheslines....
the room is really for a person only, any more and it become really stuffy and crowded. in each room there's a fan, but it's more like PLKN-style, the type usually found in suraus, so i'm not bathed in a constant stream of cool air as it is constantly spinning to other directions.
sport's are very much complete, i guess. the basketball court has a friction-paint top, so the effect of tersungkur here is almost the same as falling at taiping, complete scrapping of the epidermal part of the skin that's in contact with the floor. Best football field turf i've encountered so far. got squash courts, tennis, indoor basketball court too(albeit unused). there's a weight room, a no-women land, and gym. there's also a SWIMMING POOL!! 2 metres at its deepest, and swimming time is at evening with alternate days for boys and girls.
Academic block; the usuals plus 2 lecture halls. the resource centre here have a fair amount of books, mostly related to a-level. taiping's better. the computers in here use MAC!!!
Great Hall; HUGE!! well equipped stage, with its own technical room. even have spotlight. and multi-coloured lightings. since we have LOTS of shows that involved VIPs coming, i guess this is where they spend their budget the most.
Academic; eventhough there are a lot of european teachers, i just managed to get 1 of them as my teacher, Mr. Ian Boler, biology. teachers are friendly here. they also really just cared bout your study, nothing else. so where anything you like, dyed you hair, or anything, they dont mind. but watch out la from the the higher staff. students and teachers having a drink at the cafeteria is a common sight...i think...i'm not sure those i saw so far were teachers.
Admin: finally met the famous Pn Rogayah. dont mess with her, seriously. better still, dont make yourself known to her, unless you are pursuing the student council post. my headmaster, Neil Sutherland, is nice enough. his speeches are quite intriguing(hard to fall asleep la!), and although with an accent, it's easy to understand. coz he's Oxford graduate kot, mmg kena hebat pronounciation.
Non-academic; bese2 je. dont notice much. haha, sorry! same as taiping, they mind their own business.
really, really top class, even the private ones. National Scholar BANYAK gile!!! first time being in a class with non-bumis since form 3.
they participated in everything, eventhough so far i just had the Batch Anniversary. i can say, WE KICK ARSE!! to produce such an event with people you knew just a little over a week, not bad. the seniors even said, not to our face, they had the time of their life. Bravo Irsyad. sure there maybe lack of respect when you gave your speech, i think when anybody be the president pun, their reaction will be the same.
Good Luck for The Cultural Performance, dear commitees!
in class, i kinda hate them.... dak2 pandai tgh belajar, its hard too ask them what the teacher said, i even got a shush...haiih kena concentrate lagi.
OH! speaking english here is common. you will not be looked upon as a smart-ass. malay is fine too, dont worry.
Almost no boundaries. girls still in majority with girls, boys too. quite a culture shock too, totally different from mrsms la. SBP is common kot.
Typical social hierarchy(at least in my mind). malas nak list, too early anyway. typical groups too.
not much different between seniors and juniors. almost no senior-pressure, unlike boarding school. so yeah, kinda awkward when interacting with them. the only senior pressure you might feel here is the senior trying to instill the spirit as a KYUEM-ians, which really is not a bad thing. dont be afraid to ask the seniors for help, they're willing to sacrifice their time.
divided into 4 houses; Topaz, Garnet, Sapphire, Diamond(not in order of superiority). Really2 tight-knit fraternity(?). i'm sapphire, house of glory! nothing much i can say so far, but it seems we're quite good in sports, beating other houses in basketball, almost all in football. i can say that my batch has the least number of sapphireans compared to ther houses; only 12...
we have Student Council, which is the same as BWPs used in mrsm
A LOT of events will be held. the nearest one from now is The cultural performance by my batch. there's also the famous bangsawan and along with other house's activities.
got fast WiFi, compared to my home, EVERYWHERE!!
transport is really limited to your own or the college's. students arenot allowed to bring any vehicle AT ALL, ANYTIME.
got our own tol booth :). Bring everything you think you may need, because you cant get it anywhere else. the nearest town is Tg Malim, got everything, but for rm25 per trip( rm 50 in total), you really have to be that desperate to go there. sometimes got college trips to midvalley or Tg malim, but its not free. midvalley is rm15, tg malim fee is yet to be known. only during long weekends. car pooling to go back home during long weekend is a common practice.
so, here i am, at KYUEM. may not be much to you guys, with midvalley is just a few blocks away or you went through OU everytime you're going to class, so what? i'm here to study my ass off, and live independently at the same time. maybe my next post i'll bitch about my induction and tell you about the alluring mysteries of the samurai :). NOT!
Munir Naqiudin, NO sini xsame ngan taiping!
Hahahaha i love this bitching some stuff ! And since when you got a blog Muneer ? -_______-"
ReplyDeleteget used to this rezzo,muneer got a blog:)
ReplyDeletesapphire! =)
ReplyDeleteYeahhhh i'm actually enjoying it hihi :D
ReplyDeletehaha... aku penah kata sama ngan taiping ke?? x igt lak
ReplyDeleteis it difficult to get enrolled in?