sudahlah hari ini hari sabtu, ada kelas pula. due to my bio-clock has been set for 8 months to wake up at noon during weekends, muneer was "late". turn out IELTS starts at 8.30. gile rajin muneer dtg kelas kol 8 pagi.
after ielts(which i'm still vague of what we've just done), FREE BLOCK!!! math sebenarnya, akan tapi cikguku telah tetapkan hari sabtu memang tiada kelas. i just hung out at the cafe with the 15A+ wonderboy. seterusnye BIOLOGI, ulang belajar tentang2 organel2 yg telah dipelajari ketika SPM dahulu, cuma ada tambahan sedikit dari segi nama2 strukturnya.
BREAK....15minit.....FREE again! Islamic studies sebenarnye. but my free block is not really "free", as CHEMISTRY homework is not done!!! setelah dibuatnye muneer dengan kepantasan yg amat, bercampur baur gosip2 perangaii budak2 KY, ...tidak juga disiapkan kerja kimiaku. During chemistry, there's a freaking TEST. sungguh celaka bukan? thank god i finished it just in time.
kemudian PHYSICS, hanya konklusi bab pertama.
END OF CLASS!!! lepas ni buat ape lagi, tidurlah!!! oh no, you're so damn wrong, my friend. alumni2 datang pula. without mercy, i have to force my arse to go to the great hall for sessions with the alumni. bagaikan rusa masuk kampung, muneer yang masih bergelut dengan A-levelnya, sudah pasti terpinga-pinga ingin bertanya soalan tentang universiti di UK. i met future brother-in-law, and he introduced me to Rog =__=.. terima kasih daun keladi.
after the wrapping up of the sessions, time for the CHEER COMPETITION! buat pertama kalinya, Muneer dapat merasai suasana persaingan antara Rumah2 KYUEM. after giving a great yawp along with the tremendous effort of synchronising with everybody else, Sapphire only got 3rd place. hakim x adil kata mereka, kerana Topaz rumahnya. whatever.. sapphire's cheer is still the best in my heart :D
finally have the chance during this whole week to call my parents. get to call her too. rindu...
TIDUR!!! finally....
esok CP, doakan kejayaan sektor 'props' ya!! have to wake up at 8 in the morning....yeah right...I'll try...